
“Leena helped me in the field when I was doing my geology work but injuries forced me to retire early. I also have PTSD from severe trauma. She’s a big girl and she helps me a lot. Now she’s really an occupational therapy dog. I have knee and joint problems that caused me to leave my work and make it difficult for me to move my body. You were a godsend to us, and the Smith Vet Hospital people are so good and so kind. You just have to adapt and survive. I certainly didn’t expect all this to happen to me in my life!" –Jennifer

“Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate your help during these difficult times. Your help has been invaluable to me, and I don’t know how I would have managed without your help and support. Again, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate your generosity. Always Thankful.” – L.M.
"Whether it's help with shots, food or emergency vet care, Karen Cain and her team at the Street Homeless Animal Project have been invaluable to our clients with companion animals. SHAP is an amazing asset to the Santa Fe community!"
– Paige Kitson, Street Outreach Program Director for Youth Shelters and Family Services

“It was much appreciated. All of the help you have done for me and my pets. I love them, they love me. I’m homeless. My Mom helps when she can. Her money goes to medication and very few groceries. She really can’t help me. My Mom’s help is a ride to see you or my doctor’s or others take me. I’m thankful for all your help. My three cats and one dog.” – D.O.